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Net Protector

Net Protector Android Mobile Security 1 User - 1 Year

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(6 customer reviews)

Availability: In Stock

Version: Latest

Sold Keys: 421+

Delivery: Digital delivery within 60 seconds

Brand Name:

Net Protector

Region: India

99 300

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Features of Net Protector Mobile Security :
After clicking on Scan button it will start complete mobile scanning.User can also able abort a scanning by pressing abort button.After completion of scanning process it will display scan summary.

Clicking on Update button on Dashboard it will showing Update Activity,when user will click on Update Antivirus button on same screen it will start updating.After downloding all updates successfully user will get the message Antivirus successfully updated.
App Manager
Showing all user installed applications along with their size. User can be able to see all installed application in mobile as well as user able to uninstalled
unwanted application easily and save memory space and improve mobile speed.
Privacy Control
It will be a new feature to merge into the Android Mobile Security App.Helpful to see what are the permissions used by particular app. It is very usefull feature because some app access your important data like contact list, reading sms, images etc. So you can able to see here all permissions used by app and actual meaning of that perticular permission.Here Categorise as per used permissions wise application list and appwise used permissions list.
Space Analyser
Show the internal and external used space and free space. Categories different folder as per collections of different files from images,videos,Images,Download,Documents,Apps.List all directories/files from internal storage and external storage.Sorting the files and directories as per the maximum size. User can able to see which files are taking more space and path of that files.
Duplicate File Fixer
Duplicate Files Fixer, finds and removes duplicate files from your Android device so that you can recover additional storage space .
Similer you can delete all types of documents files, audio files, vedio files, images etc. Hence its improve mobile device efficiency.
System Information
Now days mobile device features structure is very complecated .So user can not find out fastly system information like os name, api level, model, screen size,ram,internal space etc. So this feature help you getting system information easily.

Net Protector Mobile Security
Net Protector Mobile Security key
Net Protector Mobile Security Online
Net Protector Mobile Security Price


Download link: https://www.npav.net/androidappdownload
Steps to activate Net Protector Mobile Security
  1. Enter Your Name.

2. Enter Email ID

3. Enter Dlrcode If Available(Optional).

4. Enter Mobile No.

5. Enter license code Purchased from buyantiviruskey.com

6. Click on Register Button

Net Protector Android Mobile Security 1 PC - 1 Year

India AntiVirus:
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